Friday, July 4, 2014

How To Tell If You Are A Bohemian Teen

   I remember stating once that Bohemianism usually isn't discovered until adulthood. However, the number of adolescents with Bohemian characteristics is growing, so I feel it would be best to shed some light on them.
  You know you are a Bohemian teen when....

  1.  Your room contains a bunch of figurines from Asian religions. 
  2.  You get excited when there's a "10 sticks for $1" incense sale. 
  3.  You own at least one Egyptian-themed wardrobe item. 
  4.  Kimonos are not just a fashion statement; they are a way of life. 
  5.  Same for Birkenstocks. 
  6.  At least half of your wardrobe originated in a thrift store. 
  7.  You dislike going to the mall because you can hardly find anything there.
  8.  The bumper of your car says something like "Coexist" or "Good Vibrations". 
  9.  The books you own are well-worn and loved. 
  10.  You are running out of room for your art supplies. 
  11.  You would rather pick flowers to put in your hair than buy the fake flower headbands that all the Hipster girls are wearing. 
  12.  You aren't attached to your phone 24/7. 
  13.  At least five items in your room have a celestial or Earth-centered theme. 
  14.  You bathroom sink has paintbrushes in it. 
  15.  You stay up late planning trips to India and Tibet. 
  16.  When you mention "spirulina" and "chlorella" tablets, people look at you weird. 
  17.  You think dreadlocks are a fashionable and attainable hairstyle. 
  18.  You prefer green tea over Starbucks any day. 
  19.  You have philosophical conversations about perception that last for hours. 
  20.  You are generally unfazed by most tattoos and piercings. 
  21.  You turn heads when you show up to school wearing tye-dye. 
  22.  You wanted to start a meditation club at your high school.
  23.  Yoga was the highlight of gym class. 
  24.  At least 5 of your top 10 movies are foreign. 
  25.  Your friends refer to you as their "Hippie" friend. 
  26.  You have considered attending Naropa University. (Check it out here. Looks awesome!) 
  27.  Your locker has a dreamcatcher or incense burner in it. 
  28.  You dismiss the current "Boho" trends as being manufactured and fake. 
  29.  Your personal music playlist is a complete 180 from that of anyone else your age. 
  30.  Adults refer to you as a "free spirit" or even "wild child". 

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