Tuesday, August 13, 2013

10 Reasons Why I Hate Pinterest

Let me get this off my chest: I love Pinterest. I am a total Pinterest addict. I have at least 100 or more pins on every one of my boards (my "Bohemian World" board just reached 600 pins).
So why am I writing this type of post?
Because, despite its charms, Pinterest also contains or promotes a few ideas and concepts that get annoying after a while...

  1. 1.    Everything has to be cute. Aww, look at the puppy! Aww, look at the cute little comforter that is in such a lovely shade of pastel! It’s all just so happy and fun and sparkly and wonderful, tee hee!
  2. 2.    The women are all yuppies, basically. They love coffee, they take care of the kids 24/7, they gossip about reality TV, they love makeup, and they can’t tell you just how many times they posted about that (terribly boring) outfit on Polyvore because it was just so amazing!!!
  3. 3.    There are virtually no men. I am so thankful that there are a few men brave enough to post pictures of Rush. But seriously, maybe this absence of males is actually somewhat of a good thing; if boyfriends saw their girlfriend’s wedding board they would freak out.
  4. 4.    The expectation for modern mothers is scary. Sure, I have time to meticulously turn your school lunch into an artsy masterpiece; right after I’m done sewing you those twelve new dresses and cooking those wonderfully elaborate chocolate marshmallow cupcakes. What?
  5. 5.    The jokes are repetitive. Aw, look at me, I’m so funny! Who cares that a hundred other people have reposted the same exact joke twelve times? It’s still funny!
  6. 6.    Some of the crafts are too complex for the average crafter. Who has time to cover an entire floor in pennies or refurbish an old tire with braided twine and ribbon? Seriously.
  7. 7.    Women post exercise routines but also post recipes for chocolate-marshmallow-butterscotch-ice cream. Hypocrisy much? Or too much of living in a fantasy? 
  8. 8.    The women believe that they will be in control over absolutely everything about a wedding, including the proposal. Weddings are some of the most annoying things on the face of the Earth, mainly because they are only completed between two families. They are never planned and organized by just one person. Besides, even if they were, what would be the point?
  9. 9.    There’s too much, “One day, I will do this” and not enough “I actually did this!”  The heartbreaking facet of Pinterest is that we spend too much time on the website itself instead of actually doing the things we see.
  10. 10.  All of the nerd stuff is centered around either a) The Avengers, b) Sherlock, c) Harry Potter, or d) Doctor Who. There are other fandoms out there, and the ones that are given the most attention usually end up being the most annoying. 

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