Saturday, August 24, 2013

Things I Did This Summer

Just because....I do this every year.

  1. The Purge
  2. Started a blog
  3. Saw Mama, Man of Steel, Dirty Girl, and countless other movies.
  4. New computer!
  5. Discovered a new mixture of tea
  6. Saw Rush in Saratoga Springs
  7. Saratoga Springs is awesome!
  8. Drove through a torrential downpour in the Saratoga battlefields. 
  9. Started an Ebay store
  10. Sold things and made some money
  11. Went to the Country Pickins Auction numerous times
  12. Looked for jobs and somewhat failed
  13. Went to a few parties
  14. Went to Florida
  15. Wizarding World of Harry Potter <3
  16. Universal Studios (the downpour, the gift shops, the overall experience)
  17. Sanibel Island 
  18. Winning Trivial Pursuit twice in a row
  19. The painful, delayed flight back home
  20. Shrink plastic jewelry!
  21. Started writing a brand-new book
  22. Read several other books, including Candide and A Tree Grows In Brooklyn 
  23. Purged my room of my childhood
  24. Bought textbooks with my own money
  25. Discovered a new face of Rush, along with Nirvana and Death Cab For Cutie
  26. Obtained a whole new college wardrobe
  27. Monitored the slow decline of America 
  28. Suffered a Pinterest addiction
  29. Worked on Dream House blueprints 
  30. Delved deeper into my sense of Bohemianism 

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