Monday, June 17, 2013

"Fat Kid Rules The World" movie review

Let me start off by saying that I really enjoyed the book Fat Kid Rules the World by K.L Going. when I heard it was becoming a movie, I was excited, even though a small voice was telling me not to see it.
Should've listened to that voice.
This movie was not horrible, but not amazing. Let me count the reasons why:
1) Changes from the book. Ever feel like you want to drive by the Hollywood sign and flip it off? I'm sure you have, and this is exactly how I felt about 30 seconds into this movie. They change Troy's name to "Tony" and Curt's name to "Marcus", and the suicide hallucination changes from a subway to a bus. A bus, really? So you take away the subway for possible fear of violent imagery but add in the scene with Curt (he is Curt to me, not Marcus) undressing a girl he's making out with, or that part where Troy hallucinated about a girl splashing water over her shirt so her nipples show? Damn you, Hollywood. Damn you and your screenplays.
2) The stale undertone. What made the book great is that it had humor. But the guys playing Troy and Curt onscreen are just not funny. You feel awkward with them. Same goes for the other characters; they're just boring.
3) It has no structured plot. Every single time the script has a spot for something valuable to happen, the movie just groans and falls back asleep. Not good. It just becomes mundane after a while, and you stop caring about 30 minutes into the movie.

K.L Going, I loved your book, but I strongly advise you to go over to Hollywood and kick their corporate asses for butchering your story.

Rating: 5/10

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