Thursday, August 14, 2014

You Know You're A Rush Fan When...

  In list form of course.
  You know you're a Rush fan when....

  1.   Your Facebook groups have names like, "Geddy Is Hot" and "The Rush Appreciation Society".
  2.  If you ask, "Rutsey or Peart?" and people go, "Who?", you become visibly annoyed.
  3.  You resist the urge to scream, "Salesman!", in Geddy's voice, whenever you hear the word. 
  4.  You know how to correctly pronounce Neil's last name.
  5.  You know how to correctly pronounce Geddy's last name. 
  6.  You know how to correctly pronounce Alex's last name. 
  7.  You have seen Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage at least five times. 
  8.  When "2112" comes on, you break into an air-guitar solo that lasts until the song ends. 
  9.  You have read Ayn Rand in an attempt to decipher Neil's lyrics.
  10.  You become irritated when someone says, "But his voice is so annoying!" 
  11.  Your entire life revolves around tour dates. 
  12.  Seeing them live for the first time was the best moment of your life. 
  13.  You think Neil should bring back his mustache. 
  14.  You think an average song length of 3-4 minutes sounds incredibly short. 
  15.  When someone says the name, "Tom Sawyer", you immediately perk up.
  16.  You have considered naming your child Alex, Geddy, or Neil. 
  17.  You put the Starman logo on everything. 
  18.  You cringe whenever you see Rolling Stone magazine on a newsstand. 
  19.  You have considered using Rolling Stone as toilet paper. 
  20.  You have actually used Rolling Stone as toilet paper. 
  21.  You own, or have considered buying, a kimono. 
  22.  When Rush got into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, you played it off like it was nothing but secretly felt like all of your dreams had come true. 
  23.  The closest you have ever come to playing a Rush song with precision is on Rockband
  24.  You think that Neil being the best drummer in existence is not even up for debate. 
  25.  You have a Rush album for every type of day there is. 
  26.  Finding a girlfriend who is obsessed with Rush as you are is about as likely as discovering a unicorn in the wild. 
  27.  Picking your favorite album is the hardest question to answer. 
  28.  Both Lord Of The Rings and Anthem sit on your bookshelf. 
  29.  You hope that Neil will show up at a random joint in your small town one day so that you could have a conversation with him. 
  30.  You have become used to hearing the words, "Who are they?" when you mention how Rush is your favorite band. 

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