Thursday, January 23, 2014

I Am Not Anti-Capitalism


     "How can you have the audacity to call yourself pro-capitalism when you are a Bohemian?"
     First of all, because Bohemians try to create the counterculture, which is obviously the exact polar opposite of mainstream culture. And at this point in our history, it is safe to say that the hippies influenced enough of our society to have college-age students blame Wall Street for how they can't get jobs, and then they go on to promote socialism and protest capitalism while tweeting on their iPhones and clutching their $6 Starbucks coffee. (See above photo). So if you're anti-capitalism, then who made your clothes? Who packaged your food? Who pre-mixed your coffee from that little cafe down the street, and who made the cup it's poured into? Corporations, that's who!
     Are they bad? When they exploit workers and put consumers in danger, sure. But they're a necessary evil. People seem to forget that every corporation started out as a small business, or that these companies provide millions and millions of jobs in a struggling economy. They seem to forget that they help sponsor political figures (shh--that's a secret!), even the ones that claim to stand up for the little guy. BULLSHIT!
     Here is something I will admit: Bohemians can be lazy. They appreciate hard work, but they prefer certain things to be handed to them, and that is one part of their philosophy I do not agree with. Please be a hardworking Bohemian if you are a Bohemian at all. Suffer for your art, starve for your soul, do something productive that can benefit someone else. Don't blame Wall Street. Don't blame the corporations. Don't blame CEO's.
     If you enjoy the benefits of capitalism but hate it when it requires you to work, then you might be a Hipster. Profit is not poison; it makes the world go round. So don't claim to be anti-establishment when you own an Apple product and drink Starbucks. This is why I can't say I'm anti-capitalist: because I am sitting in front of a motherfucking Apple computer and writing a freaking blog!

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