Thursday, June 26, 2014

100 Things My Generation Loves (For Some Reason)

  To be fair, I am not intentionally knocking any particular thing on this list. There are actually quite a few things on here I am fond of. Just thought that an outline of current popular culture would be interesting.

  1.  Phones
  2.  iPhones
  3.  Texting
  4.  Instagram
  5.  Snapchat
  6.  Facebook 
  7.  Twitter
  8.  Vines
  9.  Youtube
  10.  Overexposed selfies: 
  11.  Candy Crush Saga 
  12.  Infinity scarves
  13.  Starbucks
  14.  Apple 
  15.  Tumblr
  16.  Steampunk
  17.  Comic-con
  18.  Fandoms
  19.  Fangirl-ing
  20.  Gay rights
  21.  Feminism 
  22.  My Little Pony
  23.  Ugg Boots
  24.  Frozen 
  25.  Disney movies
  26.  Baking stuff
  27.  DIY projects
  28.  Remembering the 90's
  29.  Hashtags
  30.  Eating
  31.  Talking about how much you stay at home and eat
  32.  Video games
  33.  These kind of shirts: 
  34.  Unicorns
  35.  Waffles
  36.  Bacon
  37.  Cupcakes
  38.  Harry Potter
  39.  Doctor Who
  40.  Vintage stuff 
  41.  Coffee 
  42.  Detoxing
  43.  Hipster fonts: 
  44.  Twerking (shudder) 
  45.  Liking something nobody else likes and then claiming you don't want attention 
  46.  Memes
  48.  Zombies
  49.  Gritty TV shows
  50.  Wearing flowers in your hair
  51.  Pumpkin-flavored anything
  52.  White people trying to be rappers
  53.  Big-name colleges
  54.  Those stupid "Keep Calm" posters: 

    Somebody. Fucking. Kill me! 

    55. Snarky Internet commentary
    56. Correcting grammar 
    57. Indie music
    58. Makeup
    59. Workouts
    60. Wearing your pants low
    61. Infinity symbols
    62. Feather tattoos
    63. "Live, Laugh, Love" 
    64. Music videos
    65. Music festivals
    66. Rap 
    67. Techo 
    68. Haters
    69. Japanese culture
    70. Anime
    71. Fanfiction
    72. The phrase: "Mind. BLOWN."
    73. Maxi skirts
    74. Mason jars
    75. "Shabby Chic"
    76. Short-shorts
    77. Anything galaxy-printed
    78. Ear gauges 
    79. Printed dresses
    80. Leather boots
    81. SWAG
    82. Leggings
    83. Owls
    84. Cats
    85. Baby animals
    86. Organic stuff
    87. Hippie culture 
    88. Fan art
    89. Cosplay
    90. Superheroes
    91. "Faith In Humanity Restored" 
    92. Thin bracelets with one charm on it: 
    93. Complaining about stuff
    94. Rainbows
    95. Up-and-coming bands
    96. TOMS and Vans sneakers 
    97. Tacos
    98. Pastel colors
    99. Mermaids
    100. And finally: going on the Internet to appear deep and intellectual when in reality you are just like everyone else! 
    (That was my personal ironic statement of the day). 

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