Friday, August 21, 2015

A List Of Everything I Did This Summer

  1. Graduated with an Associate's Degree from OCCC
  2. Went to my friend's graduation party
  3. Went to the Hoboken International Film Festival for the first time (even though the movie we saw really, really sucked and we all left early, it was still a fun night) 
  4. Saw over 50 movies (here's the link to the list
  5. Made 3 short films (a visual poem, and EPK, and a Survivorman parody) 
  6. Saw my favorite band, Rush, for the last time
  7. Vacationed at Ocean City, MD and won a huge moon as a carnival prize
  8. Watched "I Am Jazz" on TLC
  9. Watched "The Seventies" on CNN 
  10. Watched "Sharknado 3" 
  11. Sold over $400 worth of stuff on ebay...and still went $260 over-budget this summer
  12. Celebrated the full moon for 4 months
  13. Shot a commercial for Friyo
  14. Dyed my hair several times
  15. Bought a mermaid fin and swam with it
  16. Did a crapload of paperwork and requirements for Purchase college
  17. Talked to my soon-to-be roommates 
  18. Visited Obscura and Chinatown 
  19. Stayed up until 3AM on most nights watching YouTube
  20. Took down info on the presidential candidates
  21. Watched the GOP debate on TV 
  22. Finished my soda tab dress
  23. Made more riot grrrl jewelry
  24. Read a crapload of books like "Tank Girl", "Blue Is The Warmest Color" and "The Feminine Mystique"
  25. Made a bunch of outfits for my Blythe doll and posted it on her blog
  26. Went dorm shopping
  27. Went to Woodstock
  28. Edited my book (somewhat....I was lazy with this)
  29. Learned German on Duolingo
  30. Became a fan of David Bowie and Amanda Palmer
  31. Watched my mentor become a first-time father
  32. Finished my crust punk pants
  33. Became friends with someone I've always wanted to talk to 
  34. Invited people over for a going-away party (which technically hasn't happened yet but I'm posting it anyway) 

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